Friday 1 November 2013

Michael Souter, The Judges Remarks Page 3

This is Page 3 of 13 of a transcript issued to those attending the sentencing of Michael Souter. All information contained within is in the public domain. Page 4 of 13 follows in due course.

WARNING: There are references to parts and processes of the human body using their rightful names and descriptive. Those easily offended should not view these documents.

Michael Souter, The Judges Remarks Page 2

This is Page 2 of 13 of a transcript issued to those attending the sentencing of Michael Souter. All information contained within is in the public domain. Page 3 of 13 follows in due course.

WARNING: There are references to parts and processes of the human body using their rightful names and descriptive. Those easily offended should not view these documents.

Thursday 31 October 2013

Michael Souter, The Judges Remarks Page 1

This is Page 1 of 13 of a transcript issued to those attending the sentencing of Michael Souter. All information contained within is in the public domain. Page 2 of 13 follows in due course. Subsequent pages can be found by accessing November in the right menu panel.

WARNING: There are references to parts and processes of the human body using their rightful names. Those easily offended should not view these documents.

Friday 4 October 2013

Courthouse Blotter, October 3rd 2013

The Souter trial is being extensively covered in local and indeed national media, but I thought I would just impart my perspective of this from the public arena....

I remember Mr. Souter, or sooty as he was sometimes referred to, presenting the daily afternoon show on Radio Norfolk, and also I think a Saturday morning program sometime around 1985-87.

Day 17 of this trial and this is actually the first time for me sitting in on proceedings. Mr. Souter is in the witness box under scrutiny from the prosecution. Mr. S is undoubtedly clever, and has a quick answer for almost every point put to him. A trained media professional is how he is described at one point - well, he knows how to project sound when reading a script! The prosecutor is equally smart and I have to say out-smarts the defendant in today's proceedings. its interesting though to watch 2 minds of equal intelligence pitted against each other. Its not for me to go into detail on this case suffice to say some of the content is disturbing, explicit and at times harrowing to listen too. There is an obvious reaction from others in the public arena and around the courtroom.

The trial resumes Monday with the prosecution expected to close their case. Defense witnesses due on Tuesday/Wednesday with closing speeches Wednesday. No sitting Thursday or Friday. Back on Monday  14th for summing up and directions to the Jury. 

I have to say of course that Mr. Souter denies all the charges against him.

Various sources around the web contain case detail, just Google Michael Souter.

Have a nice weekend,


Wednesday 2 October 2013

6 Years in Jail, Courthouse Blotter, 2nd October 2013

6 years in jail for a Norwich drug addict after pleading guilty to armed robbery...

Addicted to heroin and with substantial debts, the only thing on his mind was how to find a large amount of money, fast!

 September 16th 2013 will live in the minds of the 2 staff members of the Norwich and Peterborough Building Society on Plumstead Road, Norwich for sometime to come as It was this day that Toomey threatened them with a knife while demanding cash - and it's all on CCTV played out to the court in today's hearing.

The court sees how Toomey, dressed in bright red track suit trousers and with a woolly peaked hat pulled down to cover his face, jumped across the counter welding what looked like a large kitchen knife. The 2 female staff members were clearly shocked as events unfolded at around 5pm and proceeded to follow Toomey's demand for money.

A customer who unwittingly stumbled upon the raid proceeded the raise the alarm, the court hears. Following a short chase Toomey was brought down by a 2 taser strikes and on apprehension was found to have over £6000 in cash - he admitted to carrying out the raid.

In justifying the sentence, judge Ms Baker made mention of the defendants past record - a string of convictions for robberies committed since the eighties and indeed this latest episode was committed whilst on licence for a previous offence. Aggravating features in this particular case were the knife aspect thus categorizing this as an armed robbery, the attempt to disguise his appearance with the woolly peaked hat, and given the large sum of money involved indicated this was a premeditated and determined attempted robbery.

Toomey, 42 years, of slight build and unshaven was lead from the dock showing no emotion.  The judge awarded a commendation to the arresting officer and a £100 payment to the customer for promptly raising the alarm.

Norfolk Police Refers here:

Jail for a campaign of Intimidation, Courthouse Blotter, 1st October 2013

6 Months Jail for a string of abusive messages...

Over 70 text messages and voicemails - mostly consisting of threats of violence has landed this man a 6 month jail term. The judge gives credit for a guilty plea but makes mention of his past conduct where numerous convictions for ABH and intimidation are on his record. Psychiatric reports which highlight an attention disorder are also considered.

 The case relates to a break down in a relationship in 2012 where a paternity issue saw his ex partner block access to their child on grounds that the child was not his. A campaign of intimidation then ensued with threats of violence and harm levied upon his victim, serious enough to involve the police.

Emotional scenes in the public gallery as the sentence is handed down and the defendant is lead away.

In The Courthouse, 1st October 2013

Inciting lewd conduct lands Mr. X  in serious trouble....

Yesterday, 30th September, whilst admitting a charge of inciting lewd conduct on 2 counts, the defendant has sought to shift some of the blame over to his victims thus extending the hearing at  Crown Court since the complainants will now be required to give evidence. The presiding judge warns that any credit for his guilty plea will now likely be eroded somewhat as he already stands convicted by his own admission.

The case, bought by the Crown Prosecution Service arises from an incident at a swimming pool where a man proceeded to make remarks of a serious sexual nature to 2 young girls aged 11 and 12. On reporting the incident to the duty lifeguard an arrest was duly made and the man interviewed. In an attempt to lessen the impact of his crime the defendant accuses his victims of initiating a dialogue consisting of a sexual nature.

Today, 1st October, an about turn as the defendant submits to the court that he now fully admits all the charges against him - the girls will not be required to give evidence, however the judge warns the defendant any credit will be limited. All that remains now is for the judge to pass sentence, but not before reports from the probation service are filed to ascertain to what level the defendant may be a danger to  public safety. The case is adjourned until 13th November.

 Inciting lewd conduct of a minor is punishable by a significant jail term.

CPS reference here: